Thursday, 13 January 2011

Spike the ape man

This is a story from my childhood, which I am often reminded of by my parents. I can not remember quite how old I was, at a guess I'd say I was around the age of seven or eight, but the rest of the nights events I remember fairly well.
It wasn't often that my parents went for a night out and left Claire and myself at home to be babysat, I guess even less so after what happened on this occaision. It was often difficult to find someone willing to look after us if it was a family event with no children, however this time around they were out with some friends, so my aunty Debra was willing to babysit. She would have been in her early twenties at the time, and would let us run wild and do what we wanted to.
Claire and myself were always well behaved infront of others, we'd been brought up to be polite children, and rarely caused trouble or did anything too extreme, yet on this occaision things were very different. The Russ Abbott show was on the TV, however as is quite typical for the BBC even back in those days it was a repeat and Claire and myself were dreadfully bored. I'm not sure if we'd been given sweets with high E numbers in that drove us wild, but we found ourselves running around and jumping on furniture.
Then came the moment I'll possibly never forget.... As Russ Abbott was dressed up in a fat suit singing 'Rubber Ball, you come bouncing back to me' I looked up at the curtain and decided to do a Tarzan impression. I am not entrirely sure what I started to yell out as I jumped from the settee, grabbed the curtain and swung, but I know that what seemed like a long swing was actually only a matter of milliseconds and I then found myself truly sounding like tarzan with an 'arghhhhhhhhhhhhh'.
Although only a child, I had managed to not only pull down the curtain and curtain rail, but also the brackets in the wall and some quite large chunks of the wall itself.
The rest of the night Claire and myself were sat in silence. Debra obviously didn't shout at me, but I believe she was also fairly quiet and worried what would happen when my parents returned home.
When they finally returned home Debra tried to explain that it had been an accident, which I still don't understand why she ever said that. My parents were fine with it though, they never shouted or told me off over it, which considering it's probably one of the most mischievous things I ever did as a child I find quite surprising.
I have to admit that I have been tempted many times over the years to swing on a curtain again, as for about a second it was a fantastic buzz.

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