Monday, 21 February 2011

Spike and the butterflies

I often have quite weird dreams. Not only do I have weird dreams, but I have been known to sleep with my eyes open, talk in my sleep and sometimes sleepwalk. The worst thing I get though are night hallucinations. Basically I'll be awake (although still sort of asleep, but my eyes will be open and I'll often be sat up) and see things. I quite often see people standing by my bed, once I even saw a dead Jamaican man in my bed. I also often see animals, sometimes even objects. Sometimes this can be very frightening and I have to turn on the light and get myself back together for a few minutes before turning off the light and sleeping again.
Apparently you get them due to stress and worry, and I can happily say that I don't get them as much as I did when I was younger, which I guess meant I had a stressful childhood.
When I was very young though it was butterflies I used to see. I'd see them swooping towards me and trying to attack me. I even remember my parents trying to let me sleep in their bed, yet I'd still see them attacking me.
As a result I still hate butterflies today and will do my best to avoid them.
I know there was once a point that Claire told me Maltesers were made from dead butterflies. If this was before my hallucinations it'd explain a lot. If it was afterwards, then she was just mean! I am happy to report that I still eat maltesers though.

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