Monday, 28 February 2011

Spike meets Dina Carroll

One of my dads oldest friend is a woman named Lynn. She used to be married to one of his best friends from College, but they split up and my dad kept in contact with Lynn rather than her husband.
Since we were quite young we'd often meet up with Lynn and her daughter Sophie, as well as whoever lynn was dating at the time, which have been a couple of different guys over the years.
When we met up we'd often go out for a meal somewhere, such as a Beafeater or Harvester. There was one occasion when we were at a Harvester which had an animatronic Worzel Gummidge and Aunt Sally. I think Sophie, Claire and myself were trying to look up her dress, but as we attempted to do so Worzels Arm fell off, which at the time was hillarious, and thinking about it now I still find it to be so. I think you'd have to have been there to truly appreciate the humour of the situation.
I think the one meal that stands out the most with Lynn, Sophie and I think Adrian was Lynns partner at the time, was at a Beafeater in Cambridge.
We were sat on a big round table when Claire noticed someone she recognised on a table next to us. It was the famous singer Dina Carroll, who at that time was reasonably famous still and still had songs in the charts. What an earth she was doing in a Beafeater I don't know, but it was with either her boyfriend or possibly a date I'm not too sure.
Anyway, as we'd noticed her, there was lots of whispering going on trying to work out if it was actually her. This also involved getting the waitress involved and pointing over to Dina's table. However the nearest person on our table sat next to Dina was my dad, and the waitress had assumed we were pointing to him for some reason.
Ten minutes later the other waitresses came out along with our one, and they had a cake with them and a lit candle in it, singing happy birthday to my dad. The waitress had assumed we were trying to tell her it was my dads birthday. We then of course had to act as if it was, so the rest of us on the table decided to join in singing 'Happy Birthday', whilst also laughing like complete nutters.
When Dina was alone at her table Claire then went up and asked her very nicely for an autograph, which she did of course give to her. Sophie was then a little upset she didn't get one, so my dad leaned over and started chatting to Dina to get Sophie one too. This was definitely the most embarassing part of the whole meal, as my dad was then telling her how he often played her records due to him being a DJ, and lots of other random things.
Anyway, I think it has to be said that although I didn't speak to her directly (being a shy quiet kid at the time), Dina Carroll is certainly one of the nicest celebrities I've ever encountered, she was really nice and chatty. It's a shame she's still not making any records, well none that I'm aware of.

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