Monday, 7 February 2011

Spike gets run over

One problem with me is that I am always in my own world. I often get lost in my head with very deep thoughts and fantasies which often mean I ignore things happening in the real world.
One day at about the age of fourteen I was walking home from school. It wasn't very far from the school gates when I was crossing the road. I was in my own world, but I am fairly sure there were no cars coming. So I crossed the road, when suddenly I was pushed quite hard to the ground. I laid there for a second or two, unsure what had happened. I then stood up and realised I'd been hit by a car. Luckily I had a big padded coat on which must have cushined the hit and the fall.
The bloke started shouting at me, and so did his partner. But then they asked if I was ok, and I said I was and carried on walking home. It was quite an odd experience and it didn't hurt too much.
It wasn't until the next day that I noticed as well as felt a huge black bruise down my leg and back side.
I decided not to mention it to my mum until the weekend. I said to her 'I was hit by a car the other day' and she replied 'don't be so silly, you shouldn't make up things like that'. I then insisted I had been and had to show her the bruise for her to believe me.

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