Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Spike and the urinating tree

I believe that I was in the second year of junior school when we took a school trip to a local church. We went there to do rubbings of grave stones with paper and a wax crayon. Thinking about it now, it was quite a morbid activity for eight year olds, especially as some of the graves weren't all that old.
To this day I can still not explain exactly what caused it, but at the time I believed that it was a squirrel taking a piss.
Basically, there was a tree outside the church, and a few of us noticed that water started to come out of a hole in the middle of tree. I think even if I saw the same thing happen at the age I am now I'd be amazed. The water wasn't drizzling out, but squirting out quite far. Then it stopped.
We then found some small stones and began throwing them into the hole, and once again the water started squirting out. We were convinced that it was a squirrel in the hole, and when we threw a stone, it'd wee. I honestly don't think it was a squirrel now, but I have no idea how a jet of water could squirt out of the tree the way it did. I just remember being in hysterics at the time, as well as befuddlesd.
I have passed the tree many times since, and have thrown stones into the hole, but unfortunatly the squirrel who was taking a piss must have moved trees.

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