Monday, 21 March 2011

Spike spends time in a shed

As I hated secondary school so much, I'd often skive quite a lot. Now this wasn't an easy task as our form tutor was quite strict when it came to absence, and a note from a parent was always needed after returning to school.
Well, when I was actually ill, or feigned being ill, my mum would of course write me a note. Quite often she would write one, but then the next day I'd still be unwell, so she'd then write me another to explain why I'd be absent for more than one day. When this happened, I'd keep the first note hidden in a drawer so that I could use it at a later date.
So over the years I aquired several spare notes which I'd use to explain my absense when I had skived school. There was however one other problem. Sometimes my mum would pop home from work at lunchtimes to drop off some shopping or hang out some washing. Therefore it wasn't safe for me to stay inside the house all day, so I needed to find somewhere to hide during lunch hours.
The best place I could think of was the garden shed, although there was still a worry she'd spot the door unlocked if she was hanging out washing. So I figured out a way to get into the shed with the door still locked.
I'd unlock the door, walk inside the shed and open the side window. Then I'd come back out of the shed, lock the door and then climb through the tiny window into the shed. I'd then sit in there between 12pm and 2pm until I knew it was safe to climb back out of the window and go back into the house.
I didn't really do anything in the shed, I just used to sit there thinking, and it was often quite uncomfortable and sometimes cold depending on the time of year. I guess this sorta shows how much I hated school, that I'd be prepared to sit in a shed for two hours.
Anyway it always worked a treat and I was never discovered.

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