Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Spikes most fun tube journey

I have been on many amusing journeys on the London underground. The majority I have been drunk on, and quite a lot have been on pub crawls. The journey I have found to be the funniest to date was a good few years ago and surprisingly wasn't a pub crawl.
It happened way back when I had only recently begun drinking at Nos nights in Pages Bar. I don't think I'd known Milky all that long at the time, but Sarah had bought him a cuddly toy cow (the cow from Cow and Chicken) because his name was Milky.
Milky decided to name the cow 'Moo', which I don't think he really put much thought into, yet he still loved the cow. Much fun was had with the cow in the pub and by the time a group of us had got on the tube back to Sarah's, the cow was losing stuffing and had a good few tears.
So when we first got on the tube Milky decided Moo needed CPR, which seemed to amuse many of our fellow passengers. We then burst into song (I am not sure what the song was as it was quite a long time ago), and whilst the rest of us were singing, Milky was introducing Moo to all the other passengers. Bear in mind that the tube was packed, and he got through lots of different people, getting them to shake Moo's udders and also join in singing. The only person not very happy was a punk who told Milky to 'FUCK OFF', but all the other passengers found it highly amusing and joined in with the singing.
I have never seen anything like it. On pub crawls we always sing on the tube, and sometimes we get strangers to join in singing. This was different, nearly all the tube carriage full of complete strangers were joining in singing with us, it was one of the funniest things I've ever been a part of.
The story does not end there though, everyone was so happy and relaxed that they failed to notice a girl who had been sat in the corner of the tube. She was one of the few who had not been singing, although she had been laughing at the antics. Then as tube stopped at Barons Court tube station, the girl stood up, ran passed Milky and grabbed Moo as she jumped off the train just in time before the doors closed.
The tube went dead silent, it took a good few seconds for everyone to realise what had happened. Poor Moo had been cowknapped, and unfortunately she was never seen again. Milky then fell to the floor and pretended to cry, much to the amusement of the other passengers. It was such a funny and odd tube journey that I'm not sure it'll ever be beaten.
Every once in a while I search ebay in the hope of finding the same toy, but I've had no luck. They do have other cuddly toys of it, but it's not quite the same as the one Milky had. I'd love to get hold of one one day to surprise him and see the delight on his face that Moo is not lost. However he'd probably know it wasn't the same one, but in that case I guess he could always call it Moo Two.

1 comment:

  1. lolsies, Spike :D
    You are the most epic Spice ever!:D
    Thanks for your comment ^^
